Discovering What Success Means to You

What defines our success? Success is as unique as each of the 8 billion individuals on this planet. But who determines when we’ve reached our goals? We do! I’ve come to realize that success and its various levels are measured by what matters most to us personally. What are you aiming for?

Take Steve Jobs, the visionary behind Apple. He achieved great success, yet in his final days, he would have traded much of it for what he had sacrificed – his health.

So, is success measured by finances, properties, health, education, spiritual awareness, or family bonds? I’d argue it’s a balance of all these and more. We should strive for each, understanding that some may require more attention than others on any given day.

The key is accurately assessing what success means to us. Sometimes, it might be as simple as enjoying two hours on the beach, watching a sunrise or sunset. That’s success for the day. Life is filled with beautiful moments we often overlook.

Exposure and continuous learning are fundamental to nearly every level of success, regardless of the category. In exposing ourselves to new moments, new experiences we can build our own library of personal success. So keep learning, and never stop. Your journey to success is uniquely yours – embrace it, shape it, and celebrate each milestone along the way.

Sean-Reed McGee
FocusQuest – Chief Executive Officer